Legal notice according to § 5 TMG (Telemediengesetz)

Iron Bridge
Younes Salahdine
Oeder Weg 44
60318 Frankfurt am Main

M: +49 151 443 000 40
USt-IdNr.: DE359638113

Responsible for content: Younes Salahdine

Liability Notice

Despite careful control of the content of our website, we do not assume any liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. Iron Bridge does not adopt the content of external links as its own. If you recognize criminal contents on the linked internet pages, please inform us immediately so that we can remove this link after examination.


All content presented on this website is the intellectual property of Iron Bridge and may be used for private purposes. Any commercial use, even in part, of the contents requires the written consent of Iron Bridge, in particular copying, translation, storage, processing, editing, reproduction of contents in databases or other electronic media or systems. The images used are from, and photos taken by Younes Salahdine. All rights not expressly mentioned are reserved. We reserve the right to take legal action in the event of infringements.

09th May 2023